Celebrities born on February 13th

Jerry Springer: Famous Television Presenter, Lawyer, Radio Personality, News Presenter, Actor, Journalist, and, Politician.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1944-02-13
Currently 81 years old.

Simon Schama: Famous University Teacher, Television Presenter, Art Historian, Historian, Screenwriter, and, Writer.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1945-02-13
Currently 80 years old.

Robbie Williams: Famous Film Actor, Singer-songwriter, Singer, and, Record Producer.
Born in: Stoke-on-Trent
Birthdate: 1974-02-13
Currently 51 years old.

Stockard Channing: Famous Television Actor, Film Actor, Stage Actor, and, Voice Actor.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1944-02-13
Currently 81 years old.

Eleanor Farjeon: Famous Writer, Poet, Children's Writer, and, Novelist.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1881-02-13
Died on 1965-06-05 at the age of 84 years old.

Mark Watson: Famous Comedian, Writer, and, Author.
Born in: Bristol
Birthdate: 1980-02-13
Currently 45 years old.

Carolyn Lawrence: Famous Television Actor, Voice Actor, and, Actor.
Born in: Baltimore
Birthdate: 1967-02-13
Currently 58 years old.

Andy Buckley: Famous Film Actor, Actor, and, Stockbroker.
Born in: Salem
Birthdate: 1965-02-13
Currently 60 years old.

Robert H. Jackson: Famous Lawyer, Judge, and, Politician.
Born in: Spring Creek Township
Birthdate: 1892-02-13
Died on 1954-10-09 at the age of 62 years old.

El Rubius: Famous Writer, and, YouTuber.
Born in: Mijas
Birthdate: 1990-02-13
Currently 35 years old.

Niamh Kavanagh: Famous Singer, and, Musician.
Born in: Finglas
Birthdate: 1968-02-13
Currently 57 years old.

Bryan H. Carroll: Famous Screenwriter, and, Film Director.
Born in: Bountiful
Birthdate: 1967-02-13
Currently 58 years old.

James Leslie Mitchell: Famous Novelist, and, Writer.
Born in: Aberdeenshire
Birthdate: 1901-02-13
Died on 1935-02-07 at the age of 33 years old.

Peter Hook: Famous Guitarist.
Born in: Salford
Birthdate: 1956-02-13
Currently 69 years old.

Hal Moore: Famous Writer.
Born in: Nelson County
Birthdate: 1922-02-13
Died on 2017-02-10 at the age of 94 years old.

** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/celebrity/feb-13