Celebrities born on January 25th

Volodymyr Zelenskiy: Famous Comedian, Showman, Actor, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Humorist, Jurist, Impressionist, Television Presenter, Presenter, Singer, Producer, and, Television Producer.
Born in: Kryvyi Rih
Birthdate: 1978-01-25
Currently 47 years old.

Virginia Woolf: Famous Author, Essayist, Writer, Publisher, Short Story Writer, Diarist, Autobiographer, Feminist, Literary Critic, and, Novelist.
Born in: Kensington
Birthdate: 1882-01-25
Died on 1941-03-28 at the age of 59 years old.

Alicia Keys: Famous Composer, Singer-songwriter, Pianist, Actor, Film Actor, Television Actor, Film Producer, Voice Actor, and, Musician.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1981-01-25
Currently 44 years old.

Peter Watts: Famous Science Fiction Writer, Zoologist, Screenwriter, Marine Biologist, Novelist, Writer, Biologist, and, Short Story Writer.
Born in: Calgary
Birthdate: 1958-01-25
Currently 67 years old.

Bill Viola: Famous Video Artist, Film Director, Artist, Cinematographer, Musician, Installation Artist, Composer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Flushing
Birthdate: 1951-01-25
Currently 74 years old.

William Somerset Maugham: Famous Playwright, Screenwriter, Prose, Dramaturgy, Literary Critic, Novelist, and, Physician Writer.
Born in: Paris
Birthdate: 1874-01-25
Died on 1965-12-16 at the age of 91 years old.

Tobe Hooper: Famous Screenwriter, Film Director, Actor, Producer, Composer, Film Producer, and, Director.
Born in: Austin
Birthdate: 1943-01-25
Died on 2017-08-26 at the age of 74 years old.

Geoff Johns: Famous Science Fiction Writer, Screenwriter, Writer, Comics Artist, and, Executive Producer.
Born in: Detroit
Birthdate: 1973-01-25
Currently 52 years old.

Stephen Chbosky: Famous Children's Writer, Film Director, Novelist, Screenwriter, and, Writer.
Born in: Pittsburgh
Birthdate: 1970-01-25
Currently 55 years old.

Whit Stillman: Famous Film Producer, Screenwriter, Journalist, Film Director, and, Film Actor.
Born in: Washington, D.C.
Birthdate: 1952-01-25
Currently 73 years old.

Rupert Julian: Famous Film Director, Film Actor, Actor, Film Producer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Whangaroa
Birthdate: 1879-01-25
Died on 1943-12-27 at the age of 64 years old.

Noemi: Famous Music Video Director, Singer-songwriter, Singer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Rome
Birthdate: 1982-01-25
Currently 43 years old.

Shai Piron: Famous Politician, Educator, Pedagogue, and, Rabbi.
Born in: Kfar Vitkin
Birthdate: 1965-01-25
Currently 60 years old.

Christopher Coppola: Famous Film Director, Film Producer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Los Angeles
Birthdate: 1962-01-25
Currently 63 years old.

John Cooper Clarke: Famous Poet, Singer, and, Writer.
Born in: Salford
Birthdate: 1949-01-25
Currently 76 years old.

Rusty Draper: Famous Singer, Songwriter, and, Radio Personality.
Born in: Kirksville, Missouri
Birthdate: 1923-01-25
Died on 2003-03-28 at the age of 80 years old.

Gian Francesco Giudice: Famous Physicist, and, Theoretical Physicist.
Born in: Padua
Birthdate: 1961-01-25
Currently 64 years old.

Lee Strobel: Famous Journalist, and, Writer.
Born in: Arlington Heights
Birthdate: 1952-01-25
Currently 73 years old.

Dat Phan: Famous Comedian.
Born in: Ho Chi Minh City
Birthdate: 1975-01-25
Currently 50 years old.

** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/celebrity/jan-25